Crafted Emacs Update for December 2022

Another month gone by and a few more updates to the Crafted Emacs project!

But first, I hope everyone had a happy holiday season. This time of year is fun for me as I usually take off quite a bit of time from work and tinker with pet projects. This year, I worked on the Advent of Code for a while. I didn't finish the challenge, but I had fun doing the parts I did finish. Gavin Freeborn did one day in Emacs! See the video here.

Pull Requests

For Crafted Emacs, we saw some interesting pull requests come in, here is a list:


On the issues front, there has been a few with some good discussion:

For those who are interested in participating in the project, there are still several modules which need documentation, that would be a great place to start!

Shameless Plug

If you enjoy configuring Emacs and tweak yours often, you might consider giving Crafted Emacs a try. I'm sure you'll find some rough edges, and when you do, I invite you to open an issue, or submit a pull request. Or, maybe you won't find any rough edges and this will be just the thing you need. I'm not holding my breath on that just yet.

If you enjoy crafting your computing experience, from hacking on Emacs, your Linux/Mac/Windows configuration, maybe your Guix or NixOS home configuration, or whatever it is… consider joining the SystemCrafters community!

Tags: #emacs